Saturday, November 26, 2016

The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead comic series is something that I became aware of after the rising popularity of the television show. Since this discovery, I have been following every new release of both the comic series and the show. As The Walking Dead is the only comic/television series that I follow regularly (I watch Marvel and DC films, but do not read the comics frequently enough), I find it interesting how in some areas the show differs from the comic, and in others, it stays exactly the same. In some instances, I can see why the changes from comic to television are necessary, as they would not translate well. For example, in my opinion, the Governor was a much better character in the television show than he was in the comic. His character on the page was a savage man, one dimensional, cruel for the sake of being cruel, he was a typical villain. Whereas in the show, he’s still introduced as a villain, but as we get to know his character, we learn that he has reasons for why he does things the way he does them. I’ve always believed that the best kinds of villains have the best kinds of intentions, but are flawed in that they will do bad things in order to achieve their well-intended goals. I like a villain with some sort of moral code — even if the villain knows they are the bad guy.
Which brings me to the topic of Negan, TWD’s newest on-screen villain. I am so glad they are staying true to his character so far (despite the lack of F-bombs). Megan was always interesting because from the very beginning you knew he was a terrible, he knew he was terrible, but at the same time, he still established himself to be very likable in a sick and twisted sort of way. Each time the survivors encounter Negan, be it onscreen or in the comic, we learn a little bit more about him and the way he functions. We learn pretty quickly that Negan adopted his psychotic personality to not only survive, but thrive in this dystopian world. His rules and laws, as twisted and evil as they may seem, make sense. His thought process and actions, as dark and manipulative as they are, work extremely well. Everything about his character, both on the page and screen makes him terrifying, likable, and hatable all at the same.

TWD is praised for its exploration of survivalism, and human behavior. While the comic is significantly more hyperbolic than the television show (because it can be), they both display a wide range of how different types of people could and would change and adapt to the dangerous and cruel new environment. It really makes you question the ethics of everything in that sort of setting, and at this point in the story, it’s difficult to say whether or not any good characters are left, or if simply the world only leaves people of varying shades of bad.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Killing Joke Response

I had heard of The Killing Joke, but didn’t know its significance. Initially, once I figured out what story was being told, I was surprised. Up unto this point, one of the things that I had found so fascinating about the character of the joker, as that no one really knew anything about him before he was the Joker. He was the embodiment of mysterious, maddened evil, and while initially I was interested in the telling of the joker’s history, I have a feeling that the more I think about it, the less I’m going to like it. Before reading the killing joke or Detective Comics #168 in which a very similar backstory for the Joker is explored, I could theorize and imagine just how the joker came to be who he is. Each person who observed his character could come up with some sort of backstory, as unique and terrible as the next person, but now after reading his backstory, we no longer have to do that, now we no longer can do that.
From a standpoint that is looking at the killing joke as a story and only a story, I liked it for the most part. The concepts it explores are deep and dark, as they pertain to saddened insanity and psychological terror — and they are explored in a manner that is quite raw and terrifying, considering that the base of the Joker’s character is humor. The Joker’s backstory certainly gave us an opportunity to sympathize with him, to understand that he wasn’t always the way that he is today. However, in some instances, I feel like he is too great of a character, both in vast complexity and design for his backstory to be made up of essentially two major happenings. The first being the death of his wife, the second being his swim in a vat of chemicals.
Personally, if I were in charge, I don’t think I would tell the Joker’s history. But if I had to, I think I would expound upon the Joker’s backstory even further than The Killing Joke did. I would give a strand of unfortunate events that slowly led the Joker into a maddening decent, and then had his last shred of sanity stripped away from him when he fell into the toxic chemicals. I might change his backstory to make him a war veteran, a man who had to make extremely difficult decisions, a man who had to do things we could only imagine in our nightmares, a man institutionalized by the chaos of war. So overall, if I were to have a say in the Killing Joke, I would simply make it longer, more expansive, and more detailed.

Sunday, November 6, 2016


Persepolis had been a story that I had wanted to read, but could never remember its name. While the visual qualities of the novel are charmingly simple, I found that the story and subject matter is really what kept me engaged. From the very beginning we understand exactly what kind of girl Marjane is, and what kind of problems can and would arise in her story due to her circumstances. In our modern culture, I’ve noticed it’s frowned upon to criticize Islam, or suggest that Islamic-run countries are against social progression, which is one of the reasons I found Persepolis to be so interesting. It’s not necessarily a criticism of the religion, but rather an honest display of the issues women must face in a circumstance where religious law is enforced. It’s a fascinating perspective on the subject. Freedom comes at a price, and for some parts of the world, the price is far higher than one might think.
As I researched the story and its author, I stumbled upon a few transcripts of past interviews Marjane Satrapi had been a part of. In one interview she had with ABC News, she said: “I am absolutely not a feminist, I am against stupidity, and if it comes from males or females it doesn't change anything. If it means that women and men, they are equal, then OK, certainly I am a feminist. It happens that I am a woman, so it becomes a "woman coming of age story." I think if I was a man it wouldn't change so much, they never call it a "man coming of age story." It is a human coming of age story, let's go for the humanity and humanism”. I found that to be extremely honorable and well-stated. It really showed that she had no agenda to her writing, other than to tell her story, which in my opinion, is very honorable in today’s society that is simply oversaturated with political agendas. All in all, I find Persepolis, and Marjane Satrapi to be very respectable. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Design Choices in Comics

The first thing I noticed about Asterios Polyp was its extremely bizarre, but also strangely charming aesthetic. Being an art student, I think it helped me appreciate the craft and skill it took David Mazzucchelli to control the sheer diversity of visual styles. Each character had a very unique and individual appeal, and this was taken even further by giving even their voices personality in the way the type was presented.
As I read further into the novel, I found myself smiling in awe of how deep one could look at the story in its entirety. In a word, I would call Asterios Polyp sophisticated. Everything from the bold design choices, to the pessimistic message of the story, rung out glorious sounds of sophisticated realism. The fact that things don’t turn out well for the protagonist in the end, the idea that everyone in the comic (and in real life) has a different “design”, the subtle changes in the palette to convey the mood, everything, and I mean everything appears to be meticulously considered, and is therefore, very meaningful.

By far, I believe this to be the most interesting take on a graphic novel I’ve ever experienced. The level of consideration for the design styles, and the ability to unify them all together requires impressive skill and knowledge.